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Bunnyble To The Moon (2017)

Team Size
Tools Used
Coming Soon
Project Duration
Bunnyble To The Moon is a 2D adventure platformer game, where the main protagonist is a bunny who tries to clear obstacles while making her way across levels and:
  • Make use of General Bunnyble's rocket pack to boost him across various levels
  • Utilize it well and complete the levels as fast as possible to earn rocket parts and fuel to power a rocket to the moon!
15 weeks
My Role(s)
UI Champion
For this project as a UI Champion, I was tasked to focus on the various aspects of UI such as the menu screens, the main gameplay screen, and various icons to aid players in visualizing the skills used within the game.
Design Iteration Process
- The stages of design prototyping were: Conceptualization, Mockup, Implementation, Critique, Re-iterate. 
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